A Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners Planning a Kitchen Remodel

The kitchen holds a special place in any home, whether you enjoy entertaining guests or indulging in culinary experiments. It’s no wonder that for avid cooks, the kitchen becomes the heart of the house. However, not all homes come equipped with the pristine kitchens seen on cooking shows. Sometimes, taking matters into your own hands and renovating your kitchen is necessary to meet your specific needs. Here are some essential considerations to address when planning a kitchen remodel.

Floor Plan and Functionality

One of the primary challenges homeowners face during a remodelling project is the floor plan. Some houses lack an open floor plan that seamlessly integrates the kitchen and living room, which is ideal for those who love entertaining while cooking. Many parents also prefer this layout to keep an eye on their children playing in the living room while they prepare meals in the kitchen.

On the other hand, some homeowners prefer a closed kitchen, separate from the living room, for reasons such as privacy or containing cooking odours. Regardless of your preference, it is crucial to align your floor plan with the functional requirements of your kitchen. If you frequently use the kitchen for hosting dinner parties, consider combining the kitchen and dining room. However, if you are content with your current floor plan, you can focus on other factors.


Remodelling any room requires a substantial financial investment. It is essential to create a realistic budget and prioritise your expenses accordingly. If replacing appliances is a top priority, you may need to forgo expensive back splashes. However, if you have room in your budget, feel free to explore materials and items that align with your personal taste.

Appliances and Features

Everyone has different needs when it comes to kitchen appliances and features. Some individuals desire a high-end oven, a stunning marble island, granite benchtops, a spacious refrigerator, and a state-of-the-art stove. Others may only require a microwave and a fridge. If you have appliances that are malfunctioning or outdated, it’s time to replace them or utilise the space for other essential appliances. Holding onto useless items will only hinder your kitchen’s functionality.

Storage and Cabinets

If you have a large family, ample storage is essential to avoid frequent trips to the grocery store. Ensure your kitchen has sufficient space to store dry goods and pantry items. Additionally, invest in functional and aesthetically pleasing shelves and cabinets to enhance the overall appeal of your kitchen.


Undertaking a kitchen remodelling project requires time and a significant financial commitment. However, as the heart of your home, every renovation effort is essential in creating your dream kitchen. Thorough planning is crucial, and it is recommended to enlist reputable services to handle the construction. Remember, investing in quality materials and services can lead to long-term cost savings.

When it comes to kitchen remodelling, one stand out feature is the cabinets. Are you in search of high-quality cabinets for your project? Explore the exquisite selection of kitchen cabinets offered by Askin Cabinets along the Sunshine Coast. Our team of skilled cabinet makers specialises in crafting and installing stunning cabinets that seamlessly blend with your kitchen’s layout. Contact us today for a quote and turn your kitchen remodelling vision into reality!